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Browse > Home / Decks / Standard / Gruul Aggro

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Heartfire Hero Heartfire Hero [BLB]
Emberheart Challenger Emberheart Challenger [BLB]
Manifold Mouse Manifold Mouse [BLB]
Pawpatch Recruit Pawpatch Recruit <prerelease> [BLB] (F)
Questing Druid Questing Druid <showcase> [WOE]
Screaming Nemesis Screaming Nemesis <borderless> [DSK]
Hired Claw Hired Claw <showcase> [BLB]


Monstrous Rage Monstrous Rage [WOE]
Torch the Tower Torch the Tower [WOE]
Burst Lightning Burst Lightning [FDN]
Obliterating Bolt Obliterating Bolt [FDN]
Witchstalker Frenzy Witchstalker Frenzy [WOE]


Innkeeper's Talent Innkeeper's Talent [BLB]


Copperline Gorge Copperline Gorge [BLC]
Mountain Mountain <253> [THB]
Thornspire Verge Thornspire Verge <prerelease> [DSK] (F)
Karplusan Forest Karplusan Forest [DRC]
Rockface Village Rockface Village [BLB]
Restless Ridgeline Restless Ridgeline <borderless> [LCI]
Soulstone Sanctuary Soulstone Sanctuary [FDN]


Lithomantic Barrage Lithomantic Barrage [MOM]
Pawpatch Formation Pawpatch Formation [BLB]
Torch the Tower Torch the Tower [WOE]
Obliterating Bolt Obliterating Bolt [FDN]
Pyroclasm Pyroclasm [DSK]
Scorching Shot Scorching Shot [OTJ]
Ghost Vacuum Ghost Vacuum [DSK]
Questing Druid Questing Druid <showcase> [WOE]
Witchstalker Frenzy Witchstalker Frenzy [WOE]
Sunspine Lynx Sunspine Lynx [BLB]

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