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Browse > Home / Decks / Penny Dreadful / Mono Black Midrange

Mono Black Midrange by garcia_edu

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$ 27.19
1.09 tix
23 Rare, 26 Uncommon, 3 Common

Format: Penny Dreadful
Event: The Penny Dreadful 500 (Season 25), 4-3
Deck Date: Sep 10, 2022

Creatures (14)
4 Gatekeeper of Malakir $ 1.20
2 Tymaret, Chosen from Death $ 0.30
4 Vampire Nighthawk $ 1.00
4 Demigod of Revenge $ 3.84
Spells (20)
2 Bloodchief's Thirst $ 0.50
4 Dark Ritual $ 4.84
2 Dread Fugue $ 0.30
2 Feed the Swarm $ 0.50
2 Heartless Act $ 0.50
4 Hymn to Tourach $ 1.88
4 Sign in Blood $ 1.40
Artifacts (4)
4 Lashwrithe $ 3.00
Lands (22)
22 Swamp $ 0.00
Sideboard (14)
2 Lantern of the Lost $ 0.40
1 Feed the Swarm $ 0.25
3 Lost Legacy $ 0.84
4 Underworld Dreams $ 2.72
2 Mutilate $ 2.22
2 Night of Souls' Betrayal $ 1.50
74 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  1 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
Creatures (14)
4 Gatekeeper of Malakir 0.04 tix
2 Tymaret, Chosen from Death 0.02 tix
4 Vampire Nighthawk 0.04 tix
4 Demigod of Revenge 0.08 tix
Spells (20)
2 Bloodchief's Thirst 0.06 tix
4 Dark Ritual 0.08 tix
2 Dread Fugue 0.06 tix
2 Feed the Swarm 0.06 tix
2 Heartless Act 0.06 tix
4 Hymn to Tourach 0.16 tix
4 Sign in Blood 0.04 tix
Artifacts (4)
4 Lashwrithe 0.08 tix
Lands (22)
22 Swamp 0.00 tix
Sideboard (14)
2 Lantern of the Lost 0.06 tix
1 Feed the Swarm 0.03 tix
3 Lost Legacy 0.06 tix
4 Underworld Dreams 0.08 tix
2 Mutilate 0.04 tix
2 Night of Souls' Betrayal 0.04 tix
74 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  1 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
Creatures (14)
4 Gatekeeper of Malakir 4 Unc.
2 Tymaret, Chosen from Death 2 Unc.
4 Vampire Nighthawk 4 Unc.
4 Demigod of Revenge 4 Rare
Spells (20)
2 Bloodchief's Thirst 2 Unc.
4 Dark Ritual 4 Rare
2 Dread Fugue 2 Unc.
2 Feed the Swarm 2 Comm.
2 Heartless Act 2 Unc.
4 Hymn to Tourach 4 Unc.
4 Sign in Blood 4 Rare
Artifacts (4)
4 Lashwrithe 4 Rare
Lands (22)
22 Swamp
Sideboard (14)
2 Lantern of the Lost 2 Unc.
1 Feed the Swarm 1 Comm.
3 Lost Legacy 3 Rare
4 Underworld Dreams 4 Unc.
2 Mutilate 2 Rare
2 Night of Souls' Betrayal 2 Rare
74 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  1 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk

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Mana Values

Card Types


Sample Hand

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Demigod of Revenge Demigod of Revenge [MMA]
Gatekeeper of Malakir Gatekeeper of Malakir [PLIST]
Tymaret, Chosen from Death Tymaret, Chosen from Death [MUL]
Grimdancer Grimdancer [IKO]


Hymn to Tourach Hymn to Tourach <Danforth> [FEM]
Dark Ritual Dark Ritual [5ED]
Dread Fugue Dread Fugue [VOW]
Bloodchief's Thirst Bloodchief's Thirst [ZNR]
Sign in Blood Sign in Blood [M10]
Heartless Act Heartless Act [CMM]
Feed the Swarm Feed the Swarm [CMM]


Lashwrithe Lashwrithe [C14]


Swamp Swamp <252> [THB]
Ghost Quarter Ghost Quarter [MB1]


Lantern of the Lost Lantern of the Lost [VOW]
Lost Legacy Lost Legacy [KLD]
Feed the Swarm Feed the Swarm [CMM]
Mutilate Mutilate [M13]
Duress Duress [DMR]
Tymaret, Chosen from Death Tymaret, Chosen from Death [MUL]
Bile Blight Bile Blight [40K]

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