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Browse > Home / Decks / Commander / Kyler, Sigardian Emissary
$ 39.12
24.75 tix
8 Mythic, 27 Rare, 22 Uncommon, 11 Common

Format: Commander
Deck Date: Jun 5, 2024

1 Kyler, Sigardian Emissary $ 0.65
Creatures (35)
1 Champion of the Parish $ 1.25
1 Contortionist Troupe $ 0.19
1 Mikaeus, the Lunarch $ 0.42
1 Hardbristle Bandit $ 0.14
1 Intrepid Stablemaster $ 0.15
1 Katilda, Dawnhart Prime $ 0.50
1 Knight of the White Orchid $ 0.80
1 Luminarch Aspirant $ 0.31
1 Steward of Valeron $ 0.25
1 Thalia's Lieutenant $ 1.29
1 Abzan Falconer $ 0.23
1 Champion of Lambholt $ 0.60
1 Devout Chaplain $ 0.25
1 Heronblade Elite $ 1.35
1 Thraben Doomsayer $ 0.49
1 Tireless Tracker $ 0.40
1 Tuskguard Captain $ 0.19
1 Wild Beastmaster $ 0.25
1 Abzan Battle Priest $ 0.25
1 Briarbridge Patrol $ 0.25
1 Drumhunter $ 0.28
1 Leinore, Autumn Sovereign $ 0.55
1 Odric, Lunarch Marshal $ 0.47
1 Odric, Master Tactician $ 0.44
1 Shalai, Voice of Plenty $ 2.38
1 Sigarda, Champion of Light $ 0.55
1 Slippery Bogbonder $ 1.91
1 Timeless Witness $ 0.35
1 Trynn, Champion of Freedom $ 0.70
1 Juniper Order Ranger $ 0.20
1 Maja, Bretagard Protector $ 0.25
1 Sigarda, Heron's Grace $ 0.40
1 Sigardian Zealot $ 0.25
1 Moorland Rescuer $ 0.28
1 Angel of Glory's Rise $ 0.35
Spells (20)
1 Open the Gates $ 0.15
1 Requisition Raid $ 0.38
1 Snakeskin Veil $ 0.15
1 Dance of the Tumbleweeds $ 0.15
1 Take Up the Shield $ 0.10
1 Valorous Stance $ 0.15
1 Call the Coppercoats $ 1.75
1 Cultivate $ 0.63
1 Inspiring Call $ 0.49
1 Make a Stand $ 0.25
1 Rootborn Defenses $ 0.22
1 Unbreakable Formation $ 0.32
1 Map the Frontier $ 0.18
1 Ruinous Intrusion $ 0.25
1 Semester's End $ 0.29
1 Storm the Seedcore $ 0.15
1 Increasing Devotion $ 0.25
1 Overwhelming Stampede $ 3.93
1 Visions of Glory $ 0.26
1 Austere Command $ 0.44
Artifacts (4)
1 Collector's Cage $ 5.00
1 Bandit's Haul $ 0.15
1 Horn of Gondor $ 1.33
1 Replicating Ring $ 0.64
Enchantments (4)
1 The First Iroan Games $ 0.50
1 Ulvenwald Mysteries $ 0.20
1 Laid to Rest $ 0.20
1 Search the Premises $ 0.20
Lands (36)
1 Bucolic Ranch $ 0.15
1 Creosote Heath $ 0.16
16 Forest $ 0.00
1 Mirage Mesa $ 0.14
15 Plains $ 0.00
1 Shimmerdrift Vale $ 0.19
1 Uncharted Haven $ 0.20
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  25 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Kyler, Sigardian Emissary 4.37 tix
Creatures (35)
1 Champion of the Parish 0.02 tix
1 Contortionist Troupe 0.02 tix
1 Mikaeus, the Lunarch 0.02 tix
1 Hardbristle Bandit 0.02 tix
1 Intrepid Stablemaster 0.02 tix
1 Katilda, Dawnhart Prime 0.02 tix
1 Knight of the White Orchid 0.02 tix
1 Luminarch Aspirant 0.02 tix
1 Steward of Valeron 0.03 tix
1 Thalia's Lieutenant 0.02 tix
1 Abzan Falconer 0.02 tix
1 Champion of Lambholt 0.02 tix
1 Devout Chaplain 0.02 tix
1 Heronblade Elite 1.67 tix
1 Thraben Doomsayer 0.02 tix
1 Tireless Tracker 0.02 tix
1 Tuskguard Captain 0.02 tix
1 Wild Beastmaster 0.02 tix
1 Abzan Battle Priest 0.02 tix
1 Briarbridge Patrol 0.03 tix
1 Drumhunter 0.03 tix
1 Leinore, Autumn Sovereign 1.06 tix
1 Odric, Lunarch Marshal 0.02 tix
1 Odric, Master Tactician 0.02 tix
1 Shalai, Voice of Plenty 0.02 tix
1 Sigarda, Champion of Light 0.02 tix
1 Slippery Bogbonder 9.00 tix
1 Timeless Witness 0.03 tix
1 Trynn, Champion of Freedom 1.63 tix
1 Juniper Order Ranger 0.03 tix
1 Maja, Bretagard Protector 0.03 tix
1 Sigarda, Heron's Grace 0.02 tix
1 Sigardian Zealot
1 Moorland Rescuer
1 Angel of Glory's Rise 0.02 tix
Spells (20)
1 Open the Gates 0.04 tix
1 Requisition Raid 0.02 tix
1 Snakeskin Veil 0.02 tix
1 Dance of the Tumbleweeds 0.02 tix
1 Take Up the Shield 0.02 tix
1 Valorous Stance 0.03 tix
1 Call the Coppercoats 4.14 tix
1 Cultivate 0.02 tix
1 Inspiring Call 0.03 tix
1 Make a Stand 0.03 tix
1 Rootborn Defenses 0.01 tix
1 Unbreakable Formation 0.02 tix
1 Map the Frontier 0.03 tix
1 Ruinous Intrusion 0.10 tix
1 Semester's End 0.02 tix
1 Storm the Seedcore 0.03 tix
1 Increasing Devotion 0.02 tix
1 Overwhelming Stampede 0.02 tix
1 Visions of Glory 0.29 tix
1 Austere Command 0.02 tix
Artifacts (4)
1 Collector's Cage 1.18 tix
1 Bandit's Haul 0.02 tix
1 Horn of Gondor 0.02 tix
1 Replicating Ring 0.03 tix
Enchantments (4)
1 The First Iroan Games 0.02 tix
1 Ulvenwald Mysteries 0.03 tix
1 Laid to Rest 0.03 tix
1 Search the Premises 0.02 tix
Lands (36)
1 Bucolic Ranch 0.02 tix
1 Creosote Heath 0.02 tix
16 Forest 0.00 tix
1 Mirage Mesa 0.02 tix
15 Plains 0.00 tix
1 Shimmerdrift Vale 0.03 tix
1 Uncharted Haven 0.01 tix
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  25 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Kyler, Sigardian Emissary 1 Mythic
Creatures (35)
1 Champion of the Parish 1 Rare
1 Contortionist Troupe 1 Unc.
1 Mikaeus, the Lunarch 1 Mythic
1 Hardbristle Bandit 1 Comm.
1 Intrepid Stablemaster 1 Unc.
1 Katilda, Dawnhart Prime 1 Rare
1 Knight of the White Orchid 1 Rare
1 Luminarch Aspirant 1 Rare
1 Steward of Valeron 1 Comm.
1 Thalia's Lieutenant 1 Rare
1 Abzan Falconer
1 Champion of Lambholt 1 Rare
1 Devout Chaplain 1 Unc.
1 Heronblade Elite 1 Rare
1 Thraben Doomsayer 1 Rare
1 Tireless Tracker 1 Mythic
1 Tuskguard Captain 1 Unc.
1 Wild Beastmaster 1 Rare
1 Abzan Battle Priest 1 Unc.
1 Briarbridge Patrol 1 Comm.
1 Drumhunter 1 Unc.
1 Leinore, Autumn Sovereign 1 Mythic
1 Odric, Lunarch Marshal 1 Rare
1 Odric, Master Tactician 1 Rare
1 Shalai, Voice of Plenty 1 Rare
1 Sigarda, Champion of Light 1 Mythic
1 Slippery Bogbonder 1 Rare
1 Timeless Witness 1 Unc.
1 Trynn, Champion of Freedom 1 Mythic
1 Juniper Order Ranger 1 Unc.
1 Maja, Bretagard Protector 1 Unc.
1 Sigarda, Heron's Grace 1 Mythic
1 Sigardian Zealot 1 Rare
1 Moorland Rescuer 1 Rare
1 Angel of Glory's Rise 1 Rare
Spells (20)
1 Open the Gates 1 Comm.
1 Requisition Raid 1 Unc.
1 Snakeskin Veil 1 Unc.
1 Dance of the Tumbleweeds 1 Comm.
1 Take Up the Shield 1 Comm.
1 Valorous Stance 1 Unc.
1 Call the Coppercoats 1 Rare
1 Cultivate 1 Unc.
1 Inspiring Call 1 Unc.
1 Make a Stand 1 Unc.
1 Rootborn Defenses 1 Comm.
1 Unbreakable Formation 1 Rare
1 Map the Frontier 1 Unc.
1 Ruinous Intrusion 1 Rare
1 Semester's End 1 Rare
1 Storm the Seedcore 1 Unc.
1 Increasing Devotion 1 Rare
1 Overwhelming Stampede 1 Rare
1 Visions of Glory 1 Rare
1 Austere Command 1 Rare
Artifacts (4)
1 Collector's Cage 1 Mythic
1 Bandit's Haul 1 Unc.
1 Horn of Gondor 1 Rare
1 Replicating Ring 1 Unc.
Enchantments (4)
1 The First Iroan Games 1 Rare
1 Ulvenwald Mysteries 1 Unc.
1 Laid to Rest 1 Unc.
1 Search the Premises 1 Rare
Lands (36)
1 Bucolic Ranch 1 Unc.
1 Creosote Heath 1 Comm.
16 Forest
1 Mirage Mesa 1 Comm.
15 Plains
1 Shimmerdrift Vale 1 Comm.
1 Uncharted Haven 1 Comm.
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  25 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk

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Mana Values

Card Types


Sample Hand

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Katilda, Dawnhart Prime Katilda, Dawnhart Prime <showcase> [MID]
Kyler, Sigardian Emissary Kyler, Sigardian Emissary [MIC]
Avacyn's Pilgrim Avacyn's Pilgrim [SCD]
Champion of Lambholt Champion of Lambholt [NEC]
Heronblade Elite Heronblade Elite [MIC]
Angel of Glory's Rise Angel of Glory's Rise [MIC]
Mikaeus, the Lunarch Mikaeus, the Lunarch [MIC]
Wild Beastmaster Wild Beastmaster [MIC]
Leinore, Autumn Sovereign Leinore, Autumn Sovereign [MIC]
Coppercoat Vanguard Coppercoat Vanguard <showcase> [MAT]
Abzan Falconer Abzan Falconer [MOC]
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar Adeline, Resplendent Cathar <showcase> [MID]
Torens, Fist of the Angels Torens, Fist of the Angels <showcase> [VOW]
Odric, Master Tactician Odric, Master Tactician [MIC]
Sigarda, Heron's Grace Sigarda, Heron's Grace [MIC]
Mother of Runes Mother of Runes [UL]
Thalia's Lieutenant Thalia's Lieutenant [SOI]
Bastion Protector Bastion Protector [40K]
Sigarda, Font of Blessings Sigarda, Font of Blessings [MAT]
Maja, Bretagard Protector Maja, Bretagard Protector <showcase> [KHM]
Esper Sentinel Esper Sentinel <showcase> [MH2]
Wyrm's Crossing Patrol Wyrm's Crossing Patrol [CLB]
Knight of the White Orchid Knight of the White Orchid [MIC]
Eternal Witness Eternal Witness [M3C]
Somberwald Sage Somberwald Sage [MIC]
Saryth, the Viper's Fang Saryth, the Viper's Fang [MKC]
Victory's Envoy Victory's Envoy [MIC]
Champion of the Parish Champion of the Parish [DDQ]
Stalwart Pathlighter Stalwart Pathlighter [MIC]
Cemetery Protector Cemetery Protector [VOW]
Roaming Throne Roaming Throne <borderless> [LCI]
Sigarda, Champion of Light Sigarda, Champion of Light <showcase> [MID]
Juniper Order Ranger Juniper Order Ranger [MOC]
Moorland Rescuer Moorland Rescuer [MIC]
Luminarch Aspirant Luminarch Aspirant [NCC]
Boromir, Warden of the Tower Boromir, Warden of the Tower [LTR]
Devout Chaplain Devout Chaplain [AVR]
Tireless Tracker Tireless Tracker [PIP]
Yavimaya Elder Yavimaya Elder [MIC]
Heron's Grace Champion Heron's Grace Champion [MIC]
Slippery Bogbonder Slippery Bogbonder [NCC]
Sigardian Zealot Sigardian Zealot [MIC]
Cathar Commando Cathar Commando [MID]
Augur of Autumn Augur of Autumn <extended> [MID]
Realmwalker Realmwalker [KHM]
Tuskguard Captain Tuskguard Captain [CMM]
Riders of Gavony Riders of Gavony [MIC]
Kamahl, Heart of Krosa Kamahl, Heart of Krosa [CMR]
Weathered Wayfarer Weathered Wayfarer [LTC]
Biophagus Biophagus [40K]
Cathedral Acolyte Cathedral Acolyte [PIP]
Grand Abolisher Grand Abolisher [BIG]
Melira, the Living Cure Melira, the Living Cure [ONE]
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Thalia, Guardian of Thraben <showcase> [VOW]
King Darien XLVIII King Darien XLVIII <showcase> [DMU] (F)
Loran of the Third Path Loran of the Third Path [BRO]
Mentor of the Meek Mentor of the Meek [SCD]
Outcaster Trailblazer Outcaster Trailblazer [OTJ]
Savior of Ollenbock Savior of Ollenbock [VOW]
Thraben Doomsayer Thraben Doomsayer [C20]
Woodland Acolyte Woodland Acolyte [WOE]
Myrel, Shield of Argive Myrel, Shield of Argive [BRO]
Shalai, Voice of Plenty Shalai, Voice of Plenty [WOC]
Timeless Witness Timeless Witness <showcase> [MH2]
Toski, Bearer of Secrets Toski, Bearer of Secrets [MKC]
Elite Scaleguard Elite Scaleguard [CMM]
Herald of War Herald of War [MIC]
Sigarda's Vanguard Sigarda's Vanguard [MIC]
Contortionist Troupe Contortionist Troupe [MID]
Giant Killer Giant Killer [ELD]
Serra Ascendant Serra Ascendant [PLIST]
Ainok Bond-Kin Ainok Bond-Kin [MIC]
Conclave Mentor Conclave Mentor [MOC]
Containment Priest Containment Priest [M21]
Drannith Magistrate Drannith Magistrate [IKO]
Ethersworn Canonist Ethersworn Canonist [2XM]
Gyre Sage Gyre Sage [GTC]
Hardbristle Bandit Hardbristle Bandit [OTJ]
Intrepid Adversary Intrepid Adversary [MID]
Intrepid Stablemaster Intrepid Stablemaster [OTJ]
Sanctifier en-Vec Sanctifier en-Vec [MH2]
Scholar of New Horizons Scholar of New Horizons <retro> [BRC]
Shanna, Sisay's Legacy Shanna, Sisay's Legacy [MUL]
Sharp-Eyed Rookie Sharp-Eyed Rookie <showcase Dossier> [MKM]
Steward of Valeron Steward of Valeron [ALA]
Dawnhart Mentor Dawnhart Mentor <showcase> [MID]
Glowrider Glowrider [LGN]
Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar <showcase> [LCI]
Ranger-Captain of Eos Ranger-Captain of Eos [PLIST]
Recruiter of the Guard Recruiter of the Guard [MH3]
Sanctum Prelate Sanctum Prelate <buy-a-box> [MH2] (F)
Abzan Battle Priest Abzan Battle Priest [MOC]
Alms Collector Alms Collector [CMM]
Baird, Steward of Argive Baird, Steward of Argive [CMM]
Briarbridge Patrol Briarbridge Patrol [SOI]
Drumhunter Drumhunter [SCD]
Lossarnach Captain Lossarnach Captain [LTC]
Odric, Lunarch Marshal Odric, Lunarch Marshal [DMC]
Ranger of Eos Ranger of Eos [MM3]
Trynn, Champion of Freedom Trynn, Champion of Freedom [C20] (F)
Karvanista, Loyal Lupari Karvanista, Loyal Lupari [WHO]
Reverent Hoplite Reverent Hoplite [THB]
Verdurous Gearhulk Verdurous Gearhulk [MIC]
Dearly Departed Dearly Departed [C20]
Enduring Scalelord Enduring Scalelord [MOC]
Kogla, the Titan Ape Kogla, the Titan Ape [IKO] (F)
Moonshaker Cavalry Moonshaker Cavalry [WOE]


Ajani, the Greathearted Ajani, the Greathearted [WAR]
Ajani Unyielding Ajani Unyielding [NCC]


Swords to Plowshares Swords to Plowshares [LCC]
Cultivate Cultivate [DMC]
Unbreakable Formation Unbreakable Formation [MIC]
Shamanic Revelation Shamanic Revelation [NCC]
Path to Exile Path to Exile [OTC]
Heroic Intervention Heroic Intervention <extended> [PIP]
Beast Within Beast Within [M3C]
Increasing Devotion Increasing Devotion [LTC]
Visions of Glory Visions of Glory [LTC]
Call the Coppercoats Call the Coppercoats [NCC]
Inspiring Call Inspiring Call [MIC]
Ruinous Intrusion Ruinous Intrusion [LCC]
Rampant Growth Rampant Growth [M3C]
Cleansing Nova Cleansing Nova [MIC]
Akroma's Will Akroma's Will [M3C]
Enlightened Tutor Enlightened Tutor <retro> [DMR]
Final Showdown Final Showdown [OTJ]
Requisition Raid Requisition Raid [OTJ]
Worldly Tutor Worldly Tutor <retro> [DMR]
Nature's Lore Nature's Lore [MKC]
Flawless Maneuver Flawless Maneuver [CMM]
Generous Gift Generous Gift <borderless> [CMM]
Teferi's Protection Teferi's Protection <borderless> [2X2]
Return to Dust Return to Dust [WHO]
Hour of Reckoning Hour of Reckoning [J22]
Snakeskin Veil Snakeskin Veil [OTJ]
Constant Mists Constant Mists [ST]
Farseek Farseek [RVR]
Join the Dance Join the Dance [MID]
Repel the Abominable Repel the Abominable [EMN]
Reprieve Reprieve [LTR]
Three Visits Three Visits [WHO]
Kodama's Reach Kodama's Reach [CMM]
Pledge of Unity Pledge of Unity [WAR]
Stroke of Midnight Stroke of Midnight [WOE]
Celebrate the Harvest Celebrate the Harvest [MIC]
Damning Verdict Damning Verdict [NCC]
Overwhelming Stampede Overwhelming Stampede [M11]
Rishkar's Expertise Rishkar's Expertise [M3C]
Nature's Claim Nature's Claim [IMA]
Open the Gates Open the Gates [RVR]
Orim's Chant Orim's Chant [MH3] (F)
Steelshaper's Gift Steelshaper's Gift <borderless> [CMM]
Veil of Summer Veil of Summer [M20]
Dance of the Tumbleweeds Dance of the Tumbleweeds [OTJ]
Solidarity of Heroes Solidarity of Heroes [JOU]
Take Up the Shield Take Up the Shield [OTJ]
Valorous Stance Valorous Stance <263> [J22]
Eerie Interference Eerie Interference [WOE]
Make a Stand Make a Stand [CMR]
Rootborn Defenses Rootborn Defenses [RVR]
Armageddon Armageddon [S99]
Map the Frontier Map the Frontier [OTJ]
Semester's End Semester's End [CMM]
Storm the Seedcore Storm the Seedcore [MOM]
Triumph of the Hordes Triumph of the Hordes [NPH]
Tragic Arrogance Tragic Arrogance [ORI]
Austere Command Austere Command [M3C]
Biogenic Upgrade Biogenic Upgrade [MIC]
Camaraderie Camaraderie [SCD]
Catastrophe Catastrophe [PLIST]
Celestial Judgment Celestial Judgment [MIC]
Vanquish the Horde Vanquish the Horde [MID]


Sol Ring Sol Ring [M3C]
Arcane Signet Arcane Signet [M3C]
Horn of Gondor Horn of Gondor <extended - Surge Foil> [LTR] (F)
Swiftfoot Boots Swiftfoot Boots <retro> [BRC]
The Ozolith The Ozolith [IKO]
Talisman of Unity Talisman of Unity [MKC]
Lifecrafter's Bestiary Lifecrafter's Bestiary [MKC]
Ozolith, the Shattered Spire Ozolith, the Shattered Spire [MOM]
Mox Amber Mox Amber [DOM]
Mana Vault Mana Vault [4ED]
Collector's Cage Collector's Cage [BIG]
Lightning Greaves Lightning Greaves [M3C]
Commander's Sphere Commander's Sphere [LCC]
Vanquisher's Banner Vanquisher's Banner [LCC]
Jeweled Lotus Jeweled Lotus [CMM]
Mana Crypt Mana Crypt [MB1]
Mox Diamond Mox Diamond [ST]
Tarrian's Soulcleaver Tarrian's Soulcleaver [LCI]
Damping Sphere Damping Sphere [DMR]
Horn of the Mark Horn of the Mark [LTR]
Marble Diamond Marble Diamond <showcase> [CLB]
Moss Diamond Moss Diamond <showcase> [CLB]
Power Fist Power Fist [PIP]
Selesnya Signet Selesnya Signet [CLU]
Bandit's Haul Bandit's Haul [OTJ]
Gallows at Willow Hill Gallows at Willow Hill [AVR]
Replicating Ring Replicating Ring [KHM]
Panharmonicon Panharmonicon [PIP]
The Great Henge The Great Henge [ELD]


Hardened Scales Hardened Scales [PIP]
Laid to Rest Laid to Rest [VOW]
Cathars' Crusade Cathars' Crusade [AVR]
Aura Shards Aura Shards [MB1]
Court of Garenbrig Court of Garenbrig [WOC]
Tribute to the World Tree Tribute to the World Tree [MOM]
Guardian Project Guardian Project <extended> [PIP]
Smothering Tithe Smothering Tithe [WOT]
Land Tax Land Tax <borderless Anime> [WOT]
Survival of the Fittest Survival of the Fittest [EX]
Sylvan Library Sylvan Library [EMA]
Branching Evolution Branching Evolution [MH3]
Garruk's Uprising Garruk's Uprising [M3C]
Citadel Siege Citadel Siege [MIC]
Doubling Season Doubling Season [WOT]
Legion Loyalty Legion Loyalty [M3C]
Carpet of Flowers Carpet of Flowers [WHO]
Folk Hero Folk Hero [CLB] (F)
Skrelv's Hive Skrelv's Hive [ONE]
Alpha Status Alpha Status [SCG]
Cathar's Call Cathar's Call [MID]
Hydra's Growth Hydra's Growth [THB]
Master Chef Master Chef [CLB]
The First Iroan Games The First Iroan Games [THB]
Ulvenwald Mysteries Ulvenwald Mysteries [MKC]
Elven Chorus Elven Chorus [LTR]
Search the Premises Search the Premises [MKC]
Teleportation Circle Teleportation Circle [AFR]
Glorious Sunrise Glorious Sunrise [VOW]
Death's Presence Death's Presence [40K]


Forest Forest <254> [THB]
Plains Plains <250> [THB]
Canopy Vista Canopy Vista [MKC]
Command Tower Command Tower <263> [WHO]
Fortified Village Fortified Village [LCC]
Exotic Orchard Exotic Orchard [CMM]
Gavony Township Gavony Township [MOC]
Krosan Verge Krosan Verge [OTC]
Myriad Landscape Myriad Landscape [WHO]
Path of Ancestry Path of Ancestry [MOC]
Rogue's Passage Rogue's Passage [MKC]
Sungrass Prairie Sungrass Prairie [PIP]
Castle Ardenvale Castle Ardenvale [MKC]
Selesnya Sanctuary Selesnya Sanctuary [CLU]
Temple Garden Temple Garden [RTR]
Overgrown Farmland Overgrown Farmland [WHO]
Sunpetal Grove Sunpetal Grove <extended> [PIP] (F)
Windswept Heath Windswept Heath <extended> [MH3]
Blighted Woodland Blighted Woodland [MIC]
Boseiju, Who Endures Boseiju, Who Endures [NEO]
Bountiful Promenade Bountiful Promenade [CLB]
Lush Portico Lush Portico <prerelease> [MKM] (F)
Savannah Savannah [3ED]
Temple of Plenty Temple of Plenty [PIP]
Arid Mesa Arid Mesa [MH2]
Brushland Brushland [M3C]
Flooded Strand Flooded Strand [MH3]
Marsh Flats Marsh Flats [MH2]
Minas Tirith Minas Tirith [LTR]
Misty Rainforest Misty Rainforest [MH2]
Mosswort Bridge Mosswort Bridge [MKC]
Mutavault Mutavault [CLB]
Verdant Catacombs Verdant Catacombs [MH2]
Windbrisk Heights Windbrisk Heights [LCC]
Wooded Foothills Wooded Foothills <extended> [MH3]
Ancient Tomb Ancient Tomb [TE]
Arctic Treeline Arctic Treeline [KHM]
Bucolic Ranch Bucolic Ranch [OTJ]
Cabaretti Courtyard Cabaretti Courtyard [SNC]
Castle Garenbrig Castle Garenbrig [ELD]
Cavern of Souls Cavern of Souls [LCI]
Creosote Heath Creosote Heath [OTJ]
Diamond City Diamond City [PIP]
Evolving Wilds Evolving Wilds [J22]
Fabled Passage Fabled Passage [M21]
Field of Ruin Field of Ruin [LTC]
Gaea's Cradle Gaea's Cradle [UZ]
Gemstone Caverns Gemstone Caverns [TSR]
Horizon Canopy Horizon Canopy [WHO]
Kabira Plateau Kabira Plateau [ZNR]
Karn's Bastion Karn's Bastion [LCC]
Mirage Mesa Mirage Mesa [OTJ]
Opal Palace Opal Palace [40K]
Oran-Rief, the Vastwood Oran-Rief, the Vastwood [DDU]
Radiant Grove Radiant Grove [DMU]
Razorverge Thicket Razorverge Thicket <borderless> [ONE]
Reliquary Tower Reliquary Tower [M3C]
Scattered Groves Scattered Groves [OTC]
Secluded Courtyard Secluded Courtyard [LCC]
Selesnya Guildgate Selesnya Guildgate <256> [GRN]
Shimmerdrift Vale Shimmerdrift Vale [J22]
Strip Mine Strip Mine [4ED]
Temple of the False God Temple of the False God [OTC]
Terramorphic Expanse Terramorphic Expanse [OTC]
Tyrite Sanctum Tyrite Sanctum [DMC]
Uncharted Haven Uncharted Haven [NEO]
Unclaimed Territory Unclaimed Territory [LCC]
Urza's Saga Urza's Saga [PLIST]
Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth [M3C]

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Bryce's Deck Bryce's Deck Bryce's Deck JxAxB 11 tix $ 31 -
Human +1/+1 Human +1/+1 Human +1/+1 Anonymous 23 tix $ 59 -
Human Supremacy Human Supremacy Human Supremacy Aodhain616 54 tix $ 392 -
kyler deck kyler deck kyler deck kadenpaulthomas 50 tix $ 627 -
Kyler's Big Booty Army Kyler's Big Booty Army Kyler's Big Booty Army CAR3Y4 35 tix $ 144 -
G/W humans G/W humans G/W humans RyderJurassic 33 tix $ 177 -
Kyler, Sigardian Emissary Kyler, Sigardian Emissary Kyler, Sigardian Emissary Anonymous 48 tix $ 227 -
This deck is very Human This deck is very Human This deck is very Human CaptainNemo70 28 tix $ 52 -
Kyler Humans Kyler Humans Kyler Humans wopruzek 33 tix $ 92 -
Humannnn Humannnn Humannnn Astrolabio 31 tix $ 108 -
Kyler Humans Kyler Humans Kyler Humans Goaliestar17 47 tix $ 257 -
$40 Selesnya Humans $40 Selesnya Humans $40 Selesnya Humans danielpclark 25 tix $ 66 -
kyler, Sigardian Emissary kyler, Sigardian Emissary kyler, Sigardian Emissary Netox84 25 tix $ 73 -
Selesnya Humans Upgrade Selesnya Humans Upgrade Selesnya Humans Upgrade SuperJorryGuy 11 tix $ 35 -
Kyler’s coven Kyler’s coven Kyler’s coven Kemmy66 12 tix $ 194 -
Budget Kyler Budget Kyler Budget Kyler MegaKoga 22 tix $ 74 -
Kyler counters Kyler counters Kyler counters BMP91 12 tix $ 74 -
human projects human projects human projects Ganondorf_blade 37 tix $ 165 -
Kyler Tokens Kyler Tokens Kyler Tokens MegaKoga 100 tix $ 602 -
Current Boo Boo Humans Current Boo Boo Humans Current Boo Boo Humans FlareYawn 22 tix $ 179 -
Sel Human Sel Human Sel Human csalt10 17 tix $ 255 -
Kyler Kyler Kyler Papa Raka 65 tix $ 337 -
The Disorderly Crowd The Disorderly Crowd The Disorderly Crowd rrnookiermt 44 tix $ 122 -
Kyler Kyler Kyler MegaKoga 86 tix $ 556 -
Kyler, but with like a TON of ramp Kyler, but with like a TON of ramp Kyler, but with like a TON of ramp MegaKoga 73 tix $ 326 -
Kyler Counters Kyler Counters Kyler Counters thumiza 29 tix $ 275 -
Dawn of the Fourth Age ($500 Tournament Deck) Dawn of the Fourth Age ($500 Tournament Deck) Dawn of the Fourth Age ($500 Tournament Deck) cannons 55 tix $ 493 -

View All 459 Kyler, Sigardian Emissary Decks

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