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Browse > Home / Decks / Commander / Etali, Primal Conqueror

Etali Stomps All Over You and Steals Your Stuff by machgengarden

Report Deck Name Fix Archetype
$ 139.77
21.23 tix
7 Mythic, 22 Rare, 25 Uncommon, 16 Common

Format: Commander
User Submitted Deck
Deck Date: May 31, 2024

1 Etali, Primal Conqueror $ 10.43
Creatures (27)
1 Evolving Adaptive $ 0.19
1 Goldvein Hydra $ 12.50
1 Jadelight Spelunker $ 0.30
1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer $ 40.88
1 Belligerent Yearling $ 0.15
1 Brushfire Elemental $ 0.20
1 Druid of the Cowl $ 0.15
1 Itzquinth, Firstborn of Gishath $ 0.15
1 Magebane Lizard $ 0.24
1 Wose Pathfinder $ 0.10
1 Grumgully, the Generous $ 0.24
1 Jolene, Plundering Pugilist $ 0.15
1 Migloz, Maze Crusher $ 0.27
1 Ornery Tumblewagg $ 0.34
1 Pugnacious Hammerskull $ 0.50
1 Thrashing Brontodon $ 0.18
1 Topiary Stomper $ 2.00
1 Axebane Ferox $ 0.25
1 Cactusfolk Sureshot $ 0.15
1 Colossal Rattlewurm $ 0.50
1 Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma $ 0.65
1 Rampaging Geoderm $ 0.15
1 Stingerback Terror $ 0.32
1 Roxanne, Starfall Savant $ 0.75
1 Calamity, Galloping Inferno $ 0.40
1 Earthshaker Dreadmaw $ 0.20
1 Tyrranax Rex $ 6.12
Planeswalkers (1)
1 Lukka, Bound to Ruin $ 0.69
Battles (4)
1 Invasion of Ergamon $ 0.15
1 Invasion of Ikoria $ 11.50
1 Invasion of Zendikar $ 0.62
1 Invasion of Shandalar $ 1.19
Spells (18)
1 Great Train Heist $ 2.37
1 Smuggler's Surprise $ 2.50
1 Tail Swipe $ 0.25
1 Trash the Town $ 0.20
1 Triumphant Chomp $ 0.15
1 Tyvar's Stand $ 1.60
1 Abrade $ 0.20
1 Cosmic Hunger $ 0.25
1 Highway Robbery $ 0.15
1 Titanic Growth $ 0.11
1 Witch's Mark $ 0.17
1 Broken Wings $ 0.10
1 Clear Shot $ 0.15
1 Khalni Ambush $ 0.47
1 They Went This Way $ 0.12
1 Decimate $ 0.22
1 Fertilid's Favor $ 0.15
1 Fire of Orthanc $ 0.10
Artifacts (5)
1 Lost Jitte $ 7.50
1 Sol Ring $ 1.13
1 Bilbo's Ring $ 5.46
1 Dragon Throne of Tarkir $ 0.50
1 The Skullspore Nexus $ 6.83
Enchantments (6)
1 Dragon Mantle $ 0.15
1 Demonic Ruckus $ 0.25
1 Aggravated Assault $ 5.66
1 Ferocification $ 0.15
1 Crystal Carapace $ 0.14
1 Glorious Sunrise $ 0.50
Lands (38) +1 MDFCs
1 Arid Archway $ 0.40
1 Bristling Backwoods $ 0.19
1 Commercial District $ 5.90
1 Conduit Pylons $ 0.15
1 Copperline Gorge $ 2.52
1 Evolving Wilds $ 0.15
17 Forest $ 0.00
13 Mountain $ 0.00
1 Rugged Highlands $ 0.17
1 Sandstorm Verge $ 0.15
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  21 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Etali, Primal Conqueror 0.34 tix
Creatures (27)
1 Evolving Adaptive 0.03 tix
1 Goldvein Hydra 2.51 tix
1 Jadelight Spelunker 0.01 tix
1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 10.86 tix
1 Belligerent Yearling 0.02 tix
1 Brushfire Elemental 0.03 tix
1 Druid of the Cowl 0.01 tix
1 Itzquinth, Firstborn of Gishath 0.02 tix
1 Magebane Lizard 0.01 tix
1 Wose Pathfinder 0.03 tix
1 Grumgully, the Generous 0.02 tix
1 Jolene, Plundering Pugilist 0.01 tix
1 Migloz, Maze Crusher 0.02 tix
1 Ornery Tumblewagg 0.01 tix
1 Pugnacious Hammerskull 0.01 tix
1 Thrashing Brontodon 0.01 tix
1 Topiary Stomper 0.53 tix
1 Axebane Ferox 0.01 tix
1 Cactusfolk Sureshot 0.02 tix
1 Colossal Rattlewurm 0.02 tix
1 Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma 0.02 tix
1 Rampaging Geoderm 0.03 tix
1 Stingerback Terror 0.01 tix
1 Roxanne, Starfall Savant 0.04 tix
1 Calamity, Galloping Inferno 0.01 tix
1 Earthshaker Dreadmaw 0.02 tix
1 Tyrranax Rex 0.54 tix
Planeswalkers (1)
1 Lukka, Bound to Ruin 0.02 tix
Battles (4)
1 Invasion of Ergamon 0.03 tix
1 Invasion of Ikoria 0.23 tix
1 Invasion of Zendikar 0.03 tix
1 Invasion of Shandalar 0.06 tix
Spells (18)
1 Great Train Heist 0.01 tix
1 Smuggler's Surprise 0.16 tix
1 Tail Swipe 0.03 tix
1 Trash the Town 0.01 tix
1 Triumphant Chomp 0.02 tix
1 Tyvar's Stand 0.03 tix
1 Abrade 0.02 tix
1 Cosmic Hunger 0.03 tix
1 Highway Robbery 0.01 tix
1 Titanic Growth 0.01 tix
1 Witch's Mark 0.03 tix
1 Broken Wings 0.01 tix
1 Clear Shot 0.02 tix
1 Khalni Ambush 0.03 tix
1 They Went This Way 0.02 tix
1 Decimate 0.02 tix
1 Fertilid's Favor 0.03 tix
1 Fire of Orthanc 0.02 tix
Artifacts (5)
1 Lost Jitte 0.13 tix
1 Sol Ring 0.18 tix
1 Bilbo's Ring 0.02 tix
1 Dragon Throne of Tarkir 0.02 tix
1 The Skullspore Nexus 0.31 tix
Enchantments (6)
1 Dragon Mantle 0.02 tix
1 Demonic Ruckus 0.01 tix
1 Aggravated Assault 0.02 tix
1 Ferocification 0.01 tix
1 Crystal Carapace 0.02 tix
1 Glorious Sunrise 0.02 tix
Lands (38) +1 MDFCs
1 Arid Archway 0.01 tix
1 Bristling Backwoods 0.01 tix
1 Commercial District 4.12 tix
1 Conduit Pylons 0.01 tix
1 Copperline Gorge 0.21 tix
1 Evolving Wilds 0.01 tix
17 Forest 0.00 tix
13 Mountain 0.00 tix
1 Rugged Highlands 0.01 tix
1 Sandstorm Verge 0.01 tix
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  21 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Etali, Primal Conqueror 1 Rare
Creatures (27)
1 Evolving Adaptive 1 Unc.
1 Goldvein Hydra 1 Mythic
1 Jadelight Spelunker 1 Rare
1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 1 Mythic
1 Belligerent Yearling 1 Unc.
1 Brushfire Elemental 1 Unc.
1 Druid of the Cowl 1 Comm.
1 Itzquinth, Firstborn of Gishath 1 Unc.
1 Magebane Lizard 1 Unc.
1 Wose Pathfinder 1 Comm.
1 Grumgully, the Generous 1 Unc.
1 Jolene, Plundering Pugilist 1 Unc.
1 Migloz, Maze Crusher 1 Rare
1 Ornery Tumblewagg 1 Rare
1 Pugnacious Hammerskull 1 Rare
1 Thrashing Brontodon 1 Unc.
1 Topiary Stomper 1 Rare
1 Axebane Ferox 1 Rare
1 Cactusfolk Sureshot 1 Unc.
1 Colossal Rattlewurm 1 Rare
1 Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma 1 Rare
1 Rampaging Geoderm 1 Unc.
1 Stingerback Terror 1 Rare
1 Roxanne, Starfall Savant 1 Rare
1 Calamity, Galloping Inferno 1 Rare
1 Earthshaker Dreadmaw 1 Unc.
1 Tyrranax Rex 1 Mythic
Planeswalkers (1)
1 Lukka, Bound to Ruin 1 Mythic
Battles (4)
1 Invasion of Ergamon 1 Unc.
1 Invasion of Ikoria 1 Rare
1 Invasion of Zendikar 1 Unc.
1 Invasion of Shandalar 1 Mythic
Spells (18)
1 Great Train Heist 1 Rare
1 Smuggler's Surprise 1 Rare
1 Tail Swipe 1 Unc.
1 Trash the Town 1 Unc.
1 Triumphant Chomp 1 Unc.
1 Tyvar's Stand 1 Unc.
1 Abrade 1 Comm.
1 Cosmic Hunger 1 Comm.
1 Highway Robbery 1 Comm.
1 Titanic Growth 1 Comm.
1 Witch's Mark 1 Comm.
1 Broken Wings 1 Comm.
1 Clear Shot 1 Unc.
1 Khalni Ambush 1 Unc.
1 They Went This Way 1 Comm.
1 Decimate 1 Rare
1 Fertilid's Favor 1 Comm.
1 Fire of Orthanc 1 Comm.
Artifacts (5)
1 Lost Jitte 1 Mythic
1 Sol Ring 1 Unc.
1 Bilbo's Ring 1 Rare
1 Dragon Throne of Tarkir 1 Rare
1 The Skullspore Nexus 1 Mythic
Enchantments (6)
1 Dragon Mantle 1 Unc.
1 Demonic Ruckus 1 Unc.
1 Aggravated Assault 1 Rare
1 Ferocification 1 Unc.
1 Crystal Carapace 1 Comm.
1 Glorious Sunrise 1 Rare
Lands (38) +1 MDFCs
1 Arid Archway 1 Unc.
1 Bristling Backwoods 1 Comm.
1 Commercial District 1 Rare
1 Conduit Pylons 1 Comm.
1 Copperline Gorge 1 Rare
1 Evolving Wilds 1 Comm.
17 Forest
13 Mountain
1 Rugged Highlands 1 Comm.
1 Sandstorm Verge 1 Unc.
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  21 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk

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Mana Values

Card Types


Sample Hand

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Llanowar Elves Llanowar Elves [DOM]
Goblin Anarchomancer Goblin Anarchomancer <retro> [MH2]
Sakura-Tribe Elder Sakura-Tribe Elder [M3C]
Eternal Witness Eternal Witness [M3C]
Elvish Mystic Elvish Mystic [CMM]
Temur Sabertooth Temur Sabertooth [FRF]
Birds of Paradise Birds of Paradise <retro> [DMR]
Somberwald Sage Somberwald Sage [MIC]
Jaxis, the Troublemaker Jaxis, the Troublemaker <extended> [SNC]
Etali, Primal Storm Etali, Primal Storm [DMC]
Tinder Wall Tinder Wall [ICE]
Delina, Wild Mage Delina, Wild Mage <showcase> [AFR]
Fyndhorn Elves Fyndhorn Elves [CMR]
Orcish Lumberjack Orcish Lumberjack [ICE]
Orthion, Hero of Lavabrink Orthion, Hero of Lavabrink [MOM]
Mirage Phalanx Mirage Phalanx <extended> [VOC]
Nalfeshnee Nalfeshnee <extended> [CLB]
Arbor Elf Arbor Elf [M13]
Delighted Halfling Delighted Halfling <363 - extended> [LTR]
Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer [MH2]
Dockside Extortionist Dockside Extortionist [C19]
Courser of Kruphix Courser of Kruphix [J22]
Dualcaster Mage Dualcaster Mage [E01]
Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea [BRO]
Professional Face-Breaker Professional Face-Breaker [M3C]
Topiary Stomper Topiary Stomper [SNC]
Wayward Swordtooth Wayward Swordtooth [LCC]
Treasonous Ogre Treasonous Ogre [CNS]
Rionya, Fire Dancer Rionya, Fire Dancer [C21]
Hellkite Courser Hellkite Courser [CMR]
Keeper of Secrets Keeper of Secrets [40K]
Generator Servant Generator Servant [MB1]
Ornithopter of Paradise Ornithopter of Paradise <retro> [MH2]
Vexing Shusher Vexing Shusher [SHM]
Zhur-Taa Druid Zhur-Taa Druid [DDL]
Azusa, Lost but Seeking Azusa, Lost but Seeking <borderless profile> [CMM]
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove Dryad of the Ilysian Grove <planeswalker stamp> [PTHB]
Elvish Spirit Guide Elvish Spirit Guide [DMR]
Farhaven Elf Farhaven Elf [CMR]
Imperial Recruiter Imperial Recruiter [MH2] (FE)
Manglehorn Manglehorn [AKH]
Simian Spirit Guide Simian Spirit Guide [TSR]
Squee, the Immortal Squee, the Immortal [NCC]
Tireless Tracker Tireless Tracker [PIP]
Wood Elves Wood Elves [NCC]
Oracle of Mul Daya Oracle of Mul Daya [OTC]
Roaming Throne Roaming Throne <borderless> [LCI]
Solemn Simulacrum Solemn Simulacrum <retro> [BRC]
Plargg and Nassari Plargg and Nassari <extended> [MAT]
Kogla and Yidaro Kogla and Yidaro <showcase> [MOM]
Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar [ZNC]
Regal Behemoth Regal Behemoth [LCC]
Apex Altisaur Apex Altisaur [C19]
Armored Scrapgorger Armored Scrapgorger [ONE]
Belligerent Yearling Belligerent Yearling [LCI]
Bloom Tender Bloom Tender [MB1]
Destiny Spinner Destiny Spinner [WOC]
Dire Fleet Daredevil Dire Fleet Daredevil [OTC]
Hardbristle Bandit Hardbristle Bandit [OTJ]
Heart Warden Heart Warden [UD]
Poison Dart Frog Poison Dart Frog [LCI]
Pugnacious Hammerskull Pugnacious Hammerskull <borderless> [LCI]
Ranging Raptors Ranging Raptors [LCC]
Springbloom Druid Springbloom Druid [OTC]
Tireless Provisioner Tireless Provisioner [MOC]
Hulking Raptor Hulking Raptor [LCI]
Knight of the Stampede Knight of the Stampede [RIX]
Ripjaw Raptor Ripjaw Raptor [LCC]
Tanuki Transplanter Tanuki Transplanter [NEC]
Wild-Magic Sorcerer Wild-Magic Sorcerer [CLB]
Bonehoard Dracosaur Bonehoard Dracosaur <borderless> [LCI]
Cavalier of Flame Cavalier of Flame [M20]
Changeling Titan Changeling Titan [LRW]
Flamerush Rider Flamerush Rider [LTC]
Fury Fury [MH2]
Geode Golem Geode Golem [CLB]
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker [MB1]
Regisaur Alpha Regisaur Alpha [XLN]
Scion of Calamity Scion of Calamity [LCC]
Urabrask the Hidden Urabrask the Hidden [CLB]
Urabrask, Heretic Praetor Urabrask, Heretic Praetor [SNC]
Wrathful Raptors Wrathful Raptors <extended> [LCC]
Xenagos, God of Revels Xenagos, God of Revels [BNG]
Boarding Party Boarding Party [CMR]
Earthshaker Dreadmaw Earthshaker Dreadmaw <borderless> [LCI]
Godo, Bandit Warlord Godo, Bandit Warlord [CMM]
Hellkite Tyrant Hellkite Tyrant <retro> [RVR]
Kogla, the Titan Ape Kogla, the Titan Ape [IKO] (F)
Oblivion Sower Oblivion Sower [OTC]
Annoyed Altisaur Annoyed Altisaur [CMR]
Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger [MUL]
Mockery of Nature Mockery of Nature [EMN]
Ghalta, Primal Hunger Ghalta, Primal Hunger [CMM]
Evolving Adaptive Evolving Adaptive [ONE]
Goldhound Goldhound [J22]
Goldvein Hydra Goldvein Hydra [OTJ]
Haywire Mite Haywire Mite [BRO]
Honored Hierarch Honored Hierarch [ORI]
Ixalli's Lorekeeper Ixalli's Lorekeeper [LCI]
Jadelight Spelunker Jadelight Spelunker <buy-a-box> [LCI] (F)
Joraga Treespeaker Joraga Treespeaker [ROE]
Norin the Wary Norin the Wary [FMB1] (F)
Skirk Prospector Skirk Prospector [DMR]
Beastcaller Savant Beastcaller Savant [BFZ]
Brushfire Elemental Brushfire Elemental <showcase> [ZNR]
Cankerbloom Cankerbloom <showcase> [ONE]
Dawntreader Elk Dawntreader Elk [DKA]
Dinosaur Egg Dinosaur Egg [LCC]
Drowsing Tyrannodon Drowsing Tyrannodon [J22]
Druid of the Cowl Druid of the Cowl [AER]
Ilysian Caryatid Ilysian Caryatid [J22]
Incubation Druid Incubation Druid [MOC]
Iron Myr Iron Myr [SOM]
Llanowar Loamspeaker Llanowar Loamspeaker [DMU]
Magda, Brazen Outlaw Magda, Brazen Outlaw [KHM]
Magebane Lizard Magebane Lizard [OTJ]
Marauding Raptor Marauding Raptor [LCC]
Naga Vitalist Naga Vitalist [AKH]
Nest Robber Nest Robber [J22]
Otepec Huntmaster Otepec Huntmaster [XLN]
Overgrown Battlement Overgrown Battlement [MB1]
Reckless Barbarian Reckless Barbarian [CLB]
Ruby, Daring Tracker Ruby, Daring Tracker [WOE]
Shigeki, Jukai Visionary Shigeki, Jukai Visionary <extended> [NEO]
Sylvan Caryatid Sylvan Caryatid [THS]
Wall of Roots Wall of Roots [NCC]
Wose Pathfinder Wose Pathfinder [LTR]
Atalan Jackal Atalan Jackal [40K]
Circle of Dreams Druid Circle of Dreams Druid [AFR]
Citanul Woodreaders Citanul Woodreaders [MB1]
Combat Celebrant Combat Celebrant [LTC]
Deathbloom Gardener Deathbloom Gardener [DMU]
Deathgorge Scavenger Deathgorge Scavenger [LCC]
Dosan the Falling Leaf Dosan the Falling Leaf [CHK]
Elvish Rejuvenator Elvish Rejuvenator [GN3]
Eternal Scourge Eternal Scourge [EMN]
Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald [CLB] (F)
Frilled Deathspitter Frilled Deathspitter [MB1]
Goblin Matron Goblin Matron <retro> [DMR]
Grumgully, the Generous Grumgully, the Generous [CLB]
Hunting Velociraptor Hunting Velociraptor [REX]
Llanowar Tribe Llanowar Tribe [GN3]
Magus of the Moon Magus of the Moon [TSR]
Managorger Hydra Managorger Hydra [CLB]
Migloz, Maze Crusher Migloz, Maze Crusher [ONE]
Ornery Tumblewagg Ornery Tumblewagg [OTJ]
Prowling Serpopard Prowling Serpopard [J22]
Reclamation Sage Reclamation Sage <precon> [CMR]
Rishkar, Peema Renegade Rishkar, Peema Renegade [SCD]
Runic Armasaur Runic Armasaur [LCC]
Scute Swarm Scute Swarm [M3C]
Scytheclaw Raptor Scytheclaw Raptor [LCI]
Shaman of Forgotten Ways Shaman of Forgotten Ways [DTK]
Sunfrill Imitator Sunfrill Imitator [LCC]
Thrashing Brontodon Thrashing Brontodon [MB1]
Tranquil Frillback Tranquil Frillback <showcase> [MAT] (F)
Treasure Nabber Treasure Nabber [CMM]
Voldaren Thrillseeker Voldaren Thrillseeker [MOM]
Yavimaya Elder Yavimaya Elder [MIC]
Axebane Ferox Axebane Ferox <bundle> [MKM] (F)
Beast Whisperer Beast Whisperer [MKC]
Bloodbraid Elf Bloodbraid Elf [2X2]
Bramble Sovereign Bramble Sovereign [CLB]
Cactusfolk Sureshot Cactusfolk Sureshot [OTJ]
Chameleon Colossus Chameleon Colossus [AFC]
Changeling Berserker Changeling Berserker [LRW]
Colossal Rattlewurm Colossal Rattlewurm [OTJ]
Curious Altisaur Curious Altisaur <extended> [LCC]
Drumhunter Drumhunter [SCD]
Elvish Piper Elvish Piper [LTC]
Forerunner of the Empire Forerunner of the Empire [RIX]
Geological Appraiser Geological Appraiser [LCI]
Krosan Drover Krosan Drover [SCG]
Nylea, Keen-Eyed Nylea, Keen-Eyed <showcase> [THB]
Raging Regisaur Raging Regisaur [JMP]
Rampaging Geoderm Rampaging Geoderm [MOM]
Spellbreaker Behemoth Spellbreaker Behemoth [C13]
Stingerback Terror Stingerback Terror [OTJ]
Toski, Bearer of Secrets Toski, Bearer of Secrets [MKC]
Ashaya, Soul of the Wild Ashaya, Soul of the Wild [ZNR]
Battle Mammoth Battle Mammoth [CLB]
Cavalier of Thorns Cavalier of Thorns [PLIST]
Coercive Recruiter Coercive Recruiter [LCC]
Garruk's Packleader Garruk's Packleader [M13]
Palani's Hatcher Palani's Hatcher <borderless> [LCI]
Roxanne, Starfall Savant Roxanne, Starfall Savant [OTJ]
Tendershoot Dryad Tendershoot Dryad [RIX]
Terror of the Peaks Terror of the Peaks [OTJ]
Aurora Phoenix Aurora Phoenix [CLB]
Generous Ent Generous Ent [LTR]
Greater Tanuki Greater Tanuki [PLIST]
Primordial Sage Primordial Sage [JMP]
Ravenous Tyrannosaurus Ravenous Tyrannosaurus [REX]
Sweet-Gum Recluse Sweet-Gum Recluse [CLB]
Titania, Nature's Force Titania, Nature's Force <extended> [BRC]
Trumpeting Carnosaur Trumpeting Carnosaur [LCI]
Ulvenwald Hydra Ulvenwald Hydra [M3C]
Balefire Dragon Balefire Dragon <borderless frame break> [CMM]
Beanstalk Giant Beanstalk Giant [CLB]
Dragonlord Atarka Dragonlord Atarka [DTK]
Flaming Tyrannosaurus Flaming Tyrannosaurus [WHO]
Hornet Queen Hornet Queen [LTC]
Nyxbloom Ancient Nyxbloom Ancient [THB]
Omnath, Locus of Rage Omnath, Locus of Rage [OTC]
Protean Hulk Protean Hulk <retro> [RVR]
Silverclad Ferocidons Silverclad Ferocidons [RIX]
Tyrranax Rex Tyrranax Rex <showcase> [ONE]
Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus <showcase> [ONE]
End-Raze Forerunners End-Raze Forerunners [CLB]
Maelstrom Colossus Maelstrom Colossus [CMR]
Polyraptor Polyraptor [RIX]
Verdant Force Verdant Force [SCD]


Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes [CLB]
Garruk, Primal Hunter Garruk, Primal Hunter [C21]
Lukka, Bound to Ruin Lukka, Bound to Ruin [ONE]
Nissa, Vital Force Nissa, Vital Force [KLD]
Nissa, Who Shakes the World Nissa, Who Shakes the World [WAR]
Domri, Anarch of Bolas Domri, Anarch of Bolas [WAR]
Chandra, Torch of Defiance Chandra, Torch of Defiance [CMM]
Garruk Wildspeaker Garruk Wildspeaker [DDD] (F)
Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury <foil etched> [CMM]
Wrenn and Seven Wrenn and Seven <borderless> [MID]
Chandra, Flamecaller Chandra, Flamecaller [C20]
Nissa, Ascended Animist Nissa, Ascended Animist [ONE]
Wrenn and Six Wrenn and Six [2X2]
Xenagos, the Reveler Xenagos, the Reveler [CLB]
Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast [IKO]
Vivien, Monsters' Advocate Vivien, Monsters' Advocate <borderless> [IKO]


Rampant Growth Rampant Growth [NEC]
Cultivate Cultivate [DMC]
Farseek Farseek [PIP]
Twinflame Twinflame [JOU]
Nature's Lore Nature's Lore [CLB]
Beast Within Beast Within [DDL]
Chaos Warp Chaos Warp [OTC]
Heat Shimmer Heat Shimmer [2XM]
Kodama's Reach Kodama's Reach <borderless> [CMM]
Skyshroud Claim Skyshroud Claim [CMM]
Rishkar's Expertise Rishkar's Expertise [M3C]
Blasphemous Act Blasphemous Act <retro> [BRC]
Three Visits Three Visits [OTC]
Jeska's Will Jeska's Will [MKC]
Return of the Wildspeaker Return of the Wildspeaker [OTC]
Pyroblast Pyroblast [ICE]
Deflecting Swat Deflecting Swat <foil etched> [CMM]
Eldritch Evolution Eldritch Evolution [MB1]
Entish Restoration Entish Restoration [LTR]
Harrow Harrow [OTC]
Seething Song Seething Song [9ED]
Vastwood Surge Vastwood Surge [NEC]
Escape to the Wilds Escape to the Wilds [OTC]
Mana Geyser Mana Geyser [5DN]
Red Elemental Blast Red Elemental Blast [4ED]
Worldly Tutor Worldly Tutor <retro> [DMR]
Abrade Abrade [LCI]
Chord of Calling Chord of Calling <retro> [RVR]
Imposing Grandeur Imposing Grandeur [VOC]
Traverse the Outlands Traverse the Outlands [CLB]
Noxious Revival Noxious Revival [NPH]
Rite of Flame Rite of Flame [CSP]
Triumphant Chomp Triumphant Chomp [LCI]
Veil of Summer Veil of Summer [M20]
Heroic Intervention Heroic Intervention <extended> [PIP]
Molten Duplication Molten Duplication [BIG]
Pyretic Ritual Pyretic Ritual [M11]
Ram Through Ram Through [CMM]
Grow from the Ashes Grow from the Ashes [DOM]
Big Score Big Score [OTC]
Chain Reaction Chain Reaction [SCD]
Decimate Decimate [OTC]
Explosive Vegetation Explosive Vegetation [DMC]
Migration Path Migration Path [DMC]
Ruination Ruination [ST]
Visions of Ruin Visions of Ruin [MIC]
Volcanic Torrent Volcanic Torrent [OTC]
Verdant Mastery Verdant Mastery [STX]
Crop Rotation Crop Rotation [MB1]
Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt <showcase> [CLB]
Metamorphosis Metamorphosis [CHR]
Tail Swipe Tail Swipe [DMU]
Tamiyo's Safekeeping Tamiyo's Safekeeping [NEO]
Tyvar's Stand Tyvar's Stand [ONE]
Desperate Ritual Desperate Ritual [CHK]
Finale of Devastation Finale of Devastation [CMM]
Into the North Into the North [CSP]
Life from the Loam Life from the Loam <retro> [RVR]
Life's Legacy Life's Legacy [NCC]
Price of Progress Price of Progress [EMA]
Tibalt's Trickery Tibalt's Trickery [KHM]
Delayed Blast Fireball Delayed Blast Fireball <extended> [CLB]
Roiling Regrowth Roiling Regrowth [ZNR]
Search for Tomorrow Search for Tomorrow [DMC]
Circuitous Route Circuitous Route [GRN]
Force of Vigor Force of Vigor <showcase> [OTP]
Momentous Fall Momentous Fall [JMP]
Pirate's Pillage Pirate's Pillage [2X2]
Terramorph Terramorph [CLB]
Unexpected Windfall Unexpected Windfall [PIP]
Chandra's Ignition Chandra's Ignition [M3C]
Jaheira's Respite Jaheira's Respite [CLB]
Natural Reclamation Natural Reclamation [CMR]
Pyrokinesis Pyrokinesis [EMA]
All Is Dust All Is Dust [MB1]
Boundless Realms Boundless Realms [M13]
Tooth and Nail Tooth and Nail <borderless> [CMM]
Call Forth the Tempest Call Forth the Tempest <borderless> [LTC]
Ezuri's Predation Ezuri's Predation [C21]
Majestic Genesis Majestic Genesis [CLB]
Reshape the Earth Reshape the Earth [CMR]
Abundant Harvest Abundant Harvest <showcase> [MH2]
Animist's Awakening Animist's Awakening [ORI]
Fog Fog [6ED]
Gamble Gamble <retro> [DMR]
Great Train Heist Great Train Heist [OTJ]
Green Sun's Zenith Green Sun's Zenith [MBS]
Infernal Plunge Infernal Plunge [ISD]
Legolas's Quick Reflexes Legolas's Quick Reflexes <borderless> [LTC]
Nature's Claim Nature's Claim [CNS]
Pick Your Poison Pick Your Poison [MKM]
Rile Rile [XLN]
Smuggler's Surprise Smuggler's Surprise [OTJ]
Sylvan Tutor Sylvan Tutor <borderless> [LTC]
Trash the Town Trash the Town [OTJ]
Wildest Dreams Wildest Dreams [KLD]
Comet Storm Comet Storm <precon> [CMR]
Cosmic Hunger Cosmic Hunger [MOM]
Crackle with Power Crackle with Power <showcase> [OTP]
Edge of Autumn Edge of Autumn [TSR]
Explore Explore [OTC]
Gaea's Gift Gaea's Gift [BRO]
Glimpse the Core Glimpse the Core [LCI]
Ground Assault Ground Assault [2X2]
Highway Robbery Highway Robbery [OTJ]
Jaya's Immolating Inferno Jaya's Immolating Inferno [DOM]
Open the Way Open the Way [MAT] (F)
Road of Return Road of Return [C19]
Spectacular Showdown Spectacular Showdown [MKC]
Starstorm Starstorm [J22]
Sylvan Scrying Sylvan Scrying [BFZ]
Titanic Growth Titanic Growth [ONE]
Unleash Fury Unleash Fury [M21]
Witch's Mark Witch's Mark [WOE]
Zoyowa's Justice Zoyowa's Justice [LCI]
Arcbond Arcbond [FRF]
Archdruid's Charm Archdruid's Charm [MKM]
Broken Wings Broken Wings [DMU]
Clear Shot Clear Shot <showcase> [OTP]
Deep Reconnaissance Deep Reconnaissance [OD]
Hunter's Insight Hunter's Insight [SCD]
Nissa's Pilgrimage Nissa's Pilgrimage [ORI]
Recross the Paths Recross the Paths [MOR]
Reincarnation Reincarnation [C13]
Savage Stomp Savage Stomp [JMP]
They Went This Way They Went This Way [MKM]
Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune [3ED]
Bolt Bend Bolt Bend [WAR]
Expand the Sphere Expand the Sphere [ONE]
Fertilid's Favor Fertilid's Favor [MOM]
Fire of Orthanc Fire of Orthanc [LTR]
Geosurge Geosurge [NPH]
Harmonize Harmonize [PIP]
Irencrag Feat Irencrag Feat [ELD]
Ranger's Path Ranger's Path [M13]
Savage Order Savage Order [REX]
Tempt with Discovery Tempt with Discovery <borderless> [LTC]
Throes of Chaos Throes of Chaos [WHO]
Soul's Majesty Soul's Majesty [NEC]
Volcanic Offering Volcanic Offering [C14]
Walk with the Ancestors Walk with the Ancestors [LCI]
Incite Rebellion Incite Rebellion [C14]
Nissa's Renewal Nissa's Renewal [C21]
Wildfire Wildfire [MM2]
Brass's Bounty Brass's Bounty [MOC]
Destructive Force Destructive Force [M11]
Hit the Mother Lode Hit the Mother Lode <bundle> [LCI] (F)
Last March of the Ents Last March of the Ents <borderless> [LTR]
Warp World Warp World [PLIST]
Worldfire Worldfire [M13]


Arcane Signet Arcane Signet [PIP]
Sol Ring Sol Ring [PIP]
Panharmonicon Panharmonicon [PIP]
Gruul Signet Gruul Signet [CLU]
Talisman of Impulse Talisman of Impulse [M3C]
Cursed Mirror Cursed Mirror [OTC]
Jeweled Lotus Jeweled Lotus [CMM]
Blade of Selves Blade of Selves [CLB]
Fellwar Stone Fellwar Stone [OTC]
Strionic Resonator Strionic Resonator <retro> [BRC]
Helm of the Host Helm of the Host <retro> [BRR]
Swiftfoot Boots Swiftfoot Boots <retro> [BRC]
Conjurer's Closet Conjurer's Closet [C13]
Lotus Petal Lotus Petal [MB1]
Mana Crypt Mana Crypt [MB1]
Mana Vault Mana Vault [4ED]
Liquimetal Torque Liquimetal Torque <retro> [MH2]
Worn Powerstone Worn Powerstone [40K]
Hedron Archive Hedron Archive [J22]
The One Ring The One Ring <bundle> [LTR] (F)
Thran Dynamo Thran Dynamo <retro> [BRC]
Minion Reflector Minion Reflector [ALA]
Chrome Mox Chrome Mox [EMA]
Mox Diamond Mox Diamond [ST]
Voyager Staff Voyager Staff [RVR]
Fire Diamond Fire Diamond <showcase> [CLB]
Grim Monolith Grim Monolith [UL]
Mind Stone Mind Stone [PIP]
Moss Diamond Moss Diamond <showcase> [CLB]
Ashnod's Altar Ashnod's Altar [CHR]
Crucible of Worlds Crucible of Worlds [2X2]
Glittering Stockpile Glittering Stockpile [OTC]
Oblivion Stone Oblivion Stone <retro> [BRC]
Semblance Anvil Semblance Anvil <retro> [BRR]
Conduit of Worlds Conduit of Worlds [ONE]
Golden Argosy Golden Argosy [DMU]
Lithoform Engine Lithoform Engine <retro> [BRC]
Stonespeaker Crystal Stonespeaker Crystal <showcase> [CLB]
Wand of Wonder Wand of Wonder [CLB]
Gilded Lotus Gilded Lotus [CMM]
Everflowing Chalice Everflowing Chalice [PIP]
Mox Tantalite Mox Tantalite [MH1]
Sol Talisman Sol Talisman <retro> [MH2]
Lost Jitte Lost Jitte [BIG]
Wayfarer's Bauble Wayfarer's Bauble [LCC]
Defense Grid Defense Grid <retro> [BRR]
Key to the City Key to the City [C21]
Nim Deathmantle Nim Deathmantle [2X2]
Power Conduit Power Conduit [NCC]
Pyre of Heroes Pyre of Heroes [KHM]
Sword of the Animist Sword of the Animist [MB1]
Thought Vessel Thought Vessel [PIP]
Bilbo's Ring Bilbo's Ring [LTR]
Chromatic Lantern Chromatic Lantern <retro> [RVR]
Cloudstone Curio Cloudstone Curio <retro> [RVR]
Coalition Relic Coalition Relic [DMC]
Lifecrafter's Bestiary Lifecrafter's Bestiary [MKC]
Mimic Vat Mimic Vat [NCC]
Mirror Box Mirror Box [NEO]
Sword of Hearth and Home Sword of Hearth and Home <retro> [MH2] (FE)
Urza's Incubator Urza's Incubator [MH3] (F)
Whispersilk Cloak Whispersilk Cloak [MB1]
Aetherflux Reservoir Aetherflux Reservoir [KLD]
Birthing Pod Birthing Pod [NPH]
Dragon Throne of Tarkir Dragon Throne of Tarkir [PRM-LPC] (F)
Lavabrink Floodgates Lavabrink Floodgates [C20]
Nevinyrral's Disk Nevinyrral's Disk [MH2]
Nyx Lotus Nyx Lotus [THB] (F)
RMS Titanic RMS Titanic [WHO]
Cauldron of Souls Cauldron of Souls [C16]
Hexplate Wallbreaker Hexplate Wallbreaker [ONC]
Worldslayer Worldslayer [M12]
Caged Sun Caged Sun <retro> [BRR]
Staff of Nin Staff of Nin [M13]
The Skullspore Nexus The Skullspore Nexus <borderless> [LCI]


Wild Growth Wild Growth <retro> [DMR]
Sylvan Library Sylvan Library <retro> [DMR]
Utopia Sprawl Utopia Sprawl [RVR]
Rhythm of the Wild Rhythm of the Wild <retro> [RVR]
Fertile Ground Fertile Ground [PIP]
Food Chain Food Chain [2X2]
Flameshadow Conjuring Flameshadow Conjuring [MOC]
Mirror March Mirror March [RNA]
Goblin Bombardment Goblin Bombardment [WOT]
Overgrowth Overgrowth [J22]
Valakut Exploration Valakut Exploration <showcase> [ZNR]
Greater Good Greater Good [BBD]
Splinter Twin Splinter Twin [ROE]
Feed the Pack Feed the Pack [J22]
Carpet of Flowers Carpet of Flowers [WHO]
Kenrith's Transformation Kenrith's Transformation [WOC]
Passionate Archaeologist Passionate Archaeologist [CLB] (F)
Tectonic Reformation Tectonic Reformation [C20]
Underworld Breach Underworld Breach [THB]
Up the Beanstalk Up the Beanstalk [WOE]
Song of the Dryads Song of the Dryads <foil etched> [CMM]
Abundance Abundance [40K]
Dawn's Reflection Dawn's Reflection [MB1]
Elemental Resonance Elemental Resonance [DIS]
Molten Echoes Molten Echoes [C20]
Outpost Siege Outpost Siege [AFC]
Visions of Phyrexia Visions of Phyrexia [BRO]
Virtue of Strength Virtue of Strength <showcase> [WOE]
Zendikar Resurgent Zendikar Resurgent [OGW]
Burgeoning Burgeoning [CN2]
Dragon Mantle Dragon Mantle [CMR]
Sticky Fingers Sticky Fingers [PIP]
Cryptolith Rite Cryptolith Rite [SOI]
Demonic Ruckus Demonic Ruckus [OTJ]
Impact Tremors Impact Tremors [WOT]
Survival of the Fittest Survival of the Fittest [EX]
Wolfwillow Haven Wolfwillow Haven [J22]
Aggravated Assault Aggravated Assault [WOT]
Blood Moon Blood Moon [WOT]
Descent into Avernus Descent into Avernus [CLB]
Ferocification Ferocification [OTJ]
Fires of Yavimaya Fires of Yavimaya [DDL]
Gift of Paradise Gift of Paradise [CMR]
Myth Unbound Myth Unbound [C18]
Poetic Ingenuity Poetic Ingenuity [LCI]
Rising of the Day Rising of the Day <borderless> [LTR]
Shadow in the Warp Shadow in the Warp [40K]
Spelunking Spelunking [LCI]
Crystal Carapace Crystal Carapace [MOM]
Frontier Siege Frontier Siege [SCD]
Industrial Advancement Industrial Advancement [NCC]
Parallel Lives Parallel Lives [WOT]
Pattern of Rebirth Pattern of Rebirth [UD]
Sarkhan's Unsealing Sarkhan's Unsealing [JMP]
Glorious Sunrise Glorious Sunrise [VOW]
Possibility Storm Possibility Storm [DGM]
Stolen Strategy Stolen Strategy [PIP]
Unnatural Growth Unnatural Growth [WOT]
Dual Nature Dual Nature [PR]
Lurking Predators Lurking Predators [JMP]
Warstorm Surge Warstorm Surge [40K]
Sandwurm Convergence Sandwurm Convergence [CLB]


Forest Forest <254> [THB]
Mountain Mountain <253> [THB]
Cinder Glade Cinder Glade [MKC]
Command Tower Command Tower <263> [WHO]
Stomping Ground Stomping Ground [GTC]
Rogue's Passage Rogue's Passage [MKC]
Karplusan Forest Karplusan Forest <borderless> [DMU]
Boseiju, Who Endures Boseiju, Who Endures [NEO]
Exotic Orchard Exotic Orchard [CMM]
Gruul Turf Gruul Turf [CLU]
Rockfall Vale Rockfall Vale [WHO]
Rootbound Crag Rootbound Crag [WHO]
Spire Garden Spire Garden [CLB]
Wooded Foothills Wooded Foothills <retro> [MH3]
Cavern of Souls Cavern of Souls [LCI]
Commercial District Commercial District [MKM]
Misty Rainforest Misty Rainforest [MH2]
Verdant Catacombs Verdant Catacombs [MM3]
Ancient Tomb Ancient Tomb [UMA]
Arid Mesa Arid Mesa [MH2]
Bloodstained Mire Bloodstained Mire [MH3] (F)
Game Trail Game Trail [LCC]
Grove of the Burnwillows Grove of the Burnwillows [IMA]
Scalding Tarn Scalding Tarn [MH2]
Sheltered Thicket Sheltered Thicket [OTC]
Windswept Heath Windswept Heath [MH3]
Command Beacon Command Beacon [OTC]
Evolving Wilds Evolving Wilds [J22]
Fire-Lit Thicket Fire-Lit Thicket [2XM]
Kessig Wolf Run Kessig Wolf Run [MKC]
Myriad Landscape Myriad Landscape [WHO]
Prismatic Vista Prismatic Vista [MH1]
Rugged Highlands Rugged Highlands [SCD]
Taiga Taiga [3ED]
Temple of Abandon Temple of Abandon [SCD]
Urza's Saga Urza's Saga <showcase> [MH2]
Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth [MH2]
Blighted Woodland Blighted Woodland [MIC]
Cabaretti Courtyard Cabaretti Courtyard [SNC]
Castle Garenbrig Castle Garenbrig [ELD]
City of Brass City of Brass [5ED]
City of Traitors City of Traitors [EX]
Copperline Gorge Copperline Gorge <borderless> [ONE]
Crystal Vein Crystal Vein [C14]
Fabled Passage Fabled Passage [M21]
Gemstone Caverns Gemstone Caverns [TSR]
Ghost Quarter Ghost Quarter [MB1]
Havenwood Battleground Havenwood Battleground [5ED]
Hickory Woodlot Hickory Woodlot [MM]
Highland Forest Highland Forest [KHM]
Highland Weald Highland Weald [CSP]
Mana Confluence Mana Confluence [JOU]
Mossfire Valley Mossfire Valley [PIP]
Path of Ancestry Path of Ancestry [CMM]
Riveteers Overlook Riveteers Overlook [SNC]
Scavenger Grounds Scavenger Grounds [OTC]
Temple of the False God Temple of the False God [OTC]
Terramorphic Expanse Terramorphic Expanse [OTC]
Tranquil Thicket Tranquil Thicket [MKC]
War Room War Room [MKC]
Wooded Ridgeline Wooded Ridgeline [DMU]
Arid Archway Arid Archway [OTJ]
Barbarian Ring Barbarian Ring [MH3]
Bristling Backwoods Bristling Backwoods [OTJ]
Conduit Pylons Conduit Pylons [OTJ]
Desert Desert [AFC]
Dwarven Ruins Dwarven Ruins [6ED]
Emergence Zone Emergence Zone [WAR]
Field of the Dead Field of the Dead [M20]
Forgotten Cave Forgotten Cave [J22]
Fungal Reaches Fungal Reaches [TSR]
Gaea's Cradle Gaea's Cradle [UZ]
Mercadian Bazaar Mercadian Bazaar [MM]
Miren, the Moaning Well Miren, the Moaning Well [SOK]
Mirrorpool Mirrorpool [CMM]
Rushwood Grove Rushwood Grove [MM]
Sanctum of Eternity Sanctum of Eternity [C19]
Sandstone Needle Sandstone Needle [MM]
Sandstorm Verge Sandstorm Verge [OTJ]
Shire Terrace Shire Terrace [LTR]
Shivan Oasis Shivan Oasis [SCD]
Snow-Covered Forest Snow-Covered Forest <284> [KHM]
Snow-Covered Mountain Snow-Covered Mountain <282> [KHM]
Timber Gorge Timber Gorge [AKH]

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